What do Cancer and Aids have in Common?
They both destroy White Blood Cells!
This destruction of WHITE BLOOD CELLS is very much like what happens to HIV patients who are initially diagnosed as being HIV positive. Over time, the HIV virus destroys CD4 cells which are WHITE BLOOD CELLS called "Helper Cells".
These CD4 white blood cells are our first line of defense against any foreign invader and protect us from many different types of diseases and ailments like pneumonia, the common cold, the flu and on and on and on.
When an HIV patient's CD4 count reaches 200, the patient is diagnosed as having AIDS. It is at this point when a person can become vulnerable to over 30 different types of diseases.
Their immune system no longer has the ability to fight off these diseases that normally would not cause them any problem.
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Progression of HIV and the Destruction of CD4 White Blood Cells
Healthy adults usually have CD4 counts of 1000 or more per cubic millimeter of blood
*AIDS is diagnosed when the CD4 cell count drops below 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood.
*This is why Doctors have to keep an eye on each Chemotherapy Patient's White Blood Count because they know that if they keep giving the patient Chemotherapy they will eventually create the same condition that AIDS Patients die from.
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1. Chemotherapy Kills White Blood Cells
After reading this information, one quickly realizes when Chemotherapy kills your White Blood Cells it is a Step by Step destruction of an already compromised immune system, one White Blood Cell at a time.
Did you know that studies have been done that indicate that over 60% of Cancer patients, who take Chemotherapy, die from opportunistic illnesses like pneumonia, the common cold, etc. instead of the Cancer intself.
Why? They have no immune system left to fight anything.
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2. Chemotherapy Kills Red Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells are your oxygen carriers. At the following link, you will find a section that discusses ACIDOSIS and 10 reasons you must avoide it. This section explains how important it is to have a balanced pH.
Did you know that once a Cancer Patient begins Chemo and Radiation treatments all Cancer patients have 2 things in common irregardless of the type of Cancer they have?
They will become highly acidic and anemic which can lead to a myriad of health problems. Acid drives out Oxygen and creates an anaerobic atmosphere that Cancer & other degenerative diseases love and thrive in.
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The reason, many Cancer patients are Anemic, is because Acid drives out the Oxygen found in a Red Blood Cell. As that Red Blood Cell(full of Oxygen) travels from the Heart to the rest of the body, the amount of Oxygen in that Red Blood Cell can be diminished depending on the Acid atmosphere it is traveling through.
Did you know that advanced Cancer Patients are usually 1000 times more acidic than a healthy human being?
This low oxygen atmosphere is the perfect breeding ground for Cancer and may be the very reason why advanced Cancer Patients rarely recover.
In the presence of this toxic Acid Atmosphere, Tumors and Cancer cells continue to multiply out of control. The greater the tumor mass becomes or the greater the cancer cell volume in the body becomes, each Cancer Patient is put at higher risk of developing a life threatening condition called Cachexia.
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What is Cachexia?
It is estimated that Cancer Cells have a METABOLISM that is 8 times greater than the metabolism of normal cells which can cause a condition called Cachexia. This condition causes the Cancer patient to die from Malnutrition because the cancer cells hoard & consume all of the nutrition in the body while the healthy cells and the patient starve to death.
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So, if a Cancer patient is already Acidic & if Acid drives out the oxygen causing an anaerobic atmosphere that Cancer loves, how much sense does it make to take Chemotherapy that will kill more of your oxygen carrying Red Blood Cells?
By a matter of deduction and the use of common sense once again, wouldn't that create an even more anaerobic atmosphere and provide an even more desirable situation for Cancer to wreak havoc?
Oxygen Medicine:
Oxygen medicine will reverse ACIDOSIS, HYPOXIA and TOXICOSIS ...
the primary fundamental underlying cause of all generative disease.
Oxygen medicine will safely flood the body with healthy energized oxygen,
naturally boosting the immune system, raising oxygen levels,
creating an oxygen rich environment and destroying anaerobic disease cells.
Oxygen medicine will reducing acid levels, eliminate toxins in the body,
increase pH levels, restore the body to optimal pH (7.4) and optimal metabolism.
- MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas
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